Anarchy Online

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Allgemeine Informationen[]

Ely npc one who has achieved glory
Ely map one who has achieved glory
  • Start NPC:
  One Who Has Achieved Glory
  • Koordinaten:


Elysium - W - 439 x 996
  • Für Level:
  70 - 150
  • Dauer:
  ~30 Minuten
  • Questart:
  Kill Quest
  • Reward:

One Who Has Achieved Glory ist einer der vielen Yuttos, die überall ihren Geschäften nachgehen.

Das Gespräch:
One Who Has Achieved Glory: And it came to pass, when the Xan started to see themselves as owner of this world, that no answers found ever were good enough.

What matters glory, when no one seems to care about what questions are asked, or what answers given?
The glory was mine to have, but the fruits that once were sweet, now seem to be bitter.
What questions do you bring me then? And don't deny that that's why you're here, your eyes tell of urgency and of greed.

Cirte: I'm only wondering if you might have some work for me!
One Who Has Achieved Glory: Of work there is a plenty. There are demands on all ends.

Deliver this, find this, kill this! I try to say I have no such divine skills as to be everywhere at once.
I only try to do what was asked of me, what I was trained for, yet some people ask for more.
What help you would be I do not know, but there are some easy tasks that someone like you might handle.

Cirte: A hunt for the Somphos horn.
One Who Has Achieved Glory: I presume you are familiar with hunting in these areas, however you might not know the creatures called somphos all that well?

Well, the goal of your task is simple enough. Find me a Somphos Horn.
To carry out the task might be more of a challenge though, depending on your skills. Do you think you have what it takes?
The Yuttos wants you to kill the Somphos Brunees, Gulees and a Somphos Grainee to get the Somphos Horn that he has requested.
Do you think you can do it?

Cirte: Yes.
One Who Has Achieved Glory: If you bring me the Somphos Horn, I will give you 500 000 credits.

But keep in mind, random killing won't do.
You have to follow the ritual killing order to retrieve the Somphos Horn in perfect condition. Nothing else will be good enough.

Cirte: Goodbye

Rituelles töten für das Somphos Horn[]
  • Description:
Hunt for the Somphos horn.

One Who Has Achieved Glory has instructed you how to proceed in order to get hold of the Somphos Horn he is looking for.
Follow the instructions carefully and return to him for a great reward!

Kill 5 Somphos Brunee
Kill 3 Somphos Gulee
Kill 1 Somphos Grainee

Ely map swamp

Diesmal sollt ihr ein altes Tötungsritual vollziehen, um dadurch an das <aoicon>259790::40px</aoicon> Somphos horn zu gelangen.

Dazu müsst ihr drei verschiedene Dryadenarten nacheinander erledigen.
Ihr könnt sie alle nördlich vom Yutto in den Sümpfen wiederfinden. An Grainee im südlichen Teil und Gulees in der Mitte und im Norden herscht kein Mangel, jedoch scheinen die Somphos Brunee von denen man am meisten braucht sehr selten zu sein. Der einzige den ich gefunden habe wandert östlich des kleinen Sees mit der 'The Sink'-Statue umher. Der Respawn ist mit ~10min auch nicht so besonders, es kann also etwas dauern bis alle 5 Brunee erledigt sind, aber man hat ja 6 Tage Zeit. :)
Nachtrag: Einen Somphos Brunee gibts auch noch in Chronos Canyon südlich der Limber Dryad. (Utopolis raus nach Norden)

Die Dryaden sind alle Level ~70-80 und somit auch für kleinere Spieler zu erlegen.

Etwas Vorsicht ist aber geboten, da in den Sümpfen auch einige Heckler auftauchen.

Nachdem ihr alle neun Dryaden in der richtigen Reihenfolge erlegt habt, spawnt das Horn in eurem Inventar.
Gebt es nun bei One Who Has Achieved Glory ab um euren Reward zu erhalten.


Für eure Mühe erhaltet ihr:

  • Geld: 500.000 credits

--Cirte 18:22, 2. Mär 2006 (CET)
