Anarchy Online

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Allgemeine Informationen[]

Inf npc happen with rhyme
Kommt noch
  • Start NPC:
  One Whose Words Happen to Rhyme
  • Koordinaten:


Inferno - 904 x 183 // Valley of the dead (gleich hinterm Portal von Penumbra)
  • Für Level:
  • Dauer:
  ~10 Minuten
  • Questart:
  Kill Quest
  • Reward:
  Geld, XP und A Never-ending Being of Light

One Whose Words Happen to Rhyme ist einer der vielen Yuttos, die überall ihren Geschäften nachgehen.
Er ist gleich hinter dem Portal von Penumbra nach Inferno zu finden.

Das Gespräch:
One Whose Words Happen to Rhyme: Though this land is of the unwelcoming kind

We hope that good times you also can find
That you have come this far, we're pleased to see And maybe of help to us you can be

It was here your great ancestors were slain After the fall, only some would remain
They live on as souls trapped in eternity Forced by the ancient entity

Cirte: How can I help you?
One Whose Words Happen to Rhyme: South there are ruins where spirits are found

Some say to the place they are forever bound
Attempts of communication with them have all failed As if the Source the souls has prevailed

And so friend this is why I ask out of you For you to help us add up two and two
Go down to the ruins, and see if you find The answers we're seeking regarding their kind

Cirte: I'll help you.
One Whose Words Happen to Rhyme: Warning then as I bid Thee good night

To know that the spirits might put up a fight
Thus as to reward you, a small gift from me Something that may help your weak eyes to see

Cirte: Goodbye

Sucht Informationen über die Spirits[]
  • Description:
Spirit Hunt

One Whose Words Happen To Rhyme talked about some ruins further south
He asked you to go there to see if you could get information regarding the spirits that dwell there.
He has earlier tried to get this information in a peaceful manner, but has so far had no success.
He believes they might not hear him, as if they are trapped souls inside a shell.

Kill 5 Contemplating Spirits
Kill 5 Unrepentant Spirits
Kill Spirit of Disruption

Return to One Whose Words Happen To Rhyme

Inf map spirt hunt

One Whose Words Happen to Rhyme möchte das ihr Informationen über die Spirits in der Umgebung beschafft.
Dazu sollt ihr von den unterschiedlichen Spiritarten jeweils 5 töten.

Alle nötigen Spirits befinden sich gleich in den Ruinen nördlich von dem Yutto.
Zudem müsst ihr die Reihenfolge beachten beim Erledigen der Spirits.

Der letzte Spirit Spirit of Disruption steht meistens nahe dem kleinen Hügel vor einer Ruine inmitten den ganzen Spirits.
Es wurde aber auch beobachtet das er etwas weiter im Umkreis spawnt.
Dieser Miniboss hat 15 Minuten Spawnzeit.

Habt ihr alle Informationen gesammelt, kehrt ihr zu dem Yutto zurück um eure Belohnung zu erhalten.

Danach geht es mit der nächsten Aufgabe weiter:
Search for nuclei


Für eure Mühe erhaltet ihr:

  • Geld: 1.000.000 credits
  • XP: Angepasst an das Level eures Chars
  • Gegenstand: <aoicon>262604::35px</aoicon> A Never-ending Being of Light

--Cirte 19:40, 29. Aug 2006 (CEST)
