Anarchy Online

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Allgemeine Informationen[]

Ely npc elmo fitz
Ely map elmo fitz
  • Start NPC:
  Guard - Elmo Fitz
  • Koordinaten:


Elysium - W - 1005 x 633 // Port 7
  • Für Level:
  90 - 150
  • Dauer:
  3 Minuten
  • Questart:
  Kill Quest
  • Reward:
  Geld und XP

Elmo Fitz ist eine der Wachen beim Port 7 Portal in Elysium.
Er zeigt euch wie gefährlich das Leben in Elysium sein kann, und möchte das ihr euch nicht wie alle anderen überschätzt. Da ihr von der Brink fernbleiben sollt, laut seiner Aussage, gibt er euch eine kleine Aufgabe in der Nähe.

Das Gespräch:
Guard - Elmo Fitz: Greetings newcomer!
Cirte: What can you tell me about this place?
Guard - Elmo Fitz: This is Port 7, one of the two here in Elysium.

The ports are closed down except for the portals, which are still open for visitors to use.
I recommend that you keep away from the Brink, and that you make your stay here a brief one. This is not a safe place.

Cirte: I think I'll be able to look after myself!
Guard - Elmo Fitz: That's what they all thought. They also thought that with the technology they had, nothing could prevent them from living here.

But all the same theyre gone now. Some back to Rubi-Ka where they came from, and some just disappeared.
So be careful not to be too full of yourself. Danger may wait for you in places you wouldn't expect it.
Speaking of danger - you might be up for a challenge then?

Cirte: Sure, what should I do?
Guard - Elmo Fitz: Behind the walls here, there's no people anymore.

Some say the place is haunted, but I believe they're just scared of the creatures lurking there.
Let me see how easily scared you are! I'll give you 50000 credits if you kill 3 of the Devourers of Life there.
And don't try to cheat - I'll be watching you!

Cirte: Goodbye

Tötet drei Devourer of Life[]
  • Description:
A devouring challenge.

The guard at Port 7 has challenged you to kill 3 Devourers of Life.
If you succeed he has promised you a reward of 50 000 credits.

  • Realtime left:  
0 days, 11 hours, 00 minutes.
Ely map efquest devoureroflife

Am schnellsten findet ihr die Devourer of Life wenn ihr euch nach Süden bewegt (973 x 420).
Die Devourer sind etwa Level 100 und falls sie grade nicht da sein sollten, müsst ihr nur kurz warten, die Respawnzeit ist relativ gering.

Wenn ihr drei Stück erledigt habt, kehrt zu Elmo Fitz zurück um euren Reward zu erhalten.


Für eure Mühe erhaltet ihr:

  • Geld: 50000 credits
  • XP: 50000 points.

--Cirte 18:23, 1. Mär 2006 (CET)
